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"Code, Bless Your Heart!"

April 18-19



James Lemieux, Jason Humphries, brent piephoff, magdalyn duffie

PairCode is a pair coding app for beginner coders that challenges the players to build a basic front end website through a series of tasks using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Players engage in a back and forth dialog that teaches and promotes pair coding. The app includes links to outside resources for players to do research and purchase challenge hints via PayPal.


2nd place


Chris Geiss, Geoff Baumbach, Marc Baumbach, Philip Cali

FixMyFolks unites the computer challenged, with the technically inclined to quickly answer and fix common computer problems. All proceeds are then donated to charity.

Be instantly connected to a Fixer via Citrix’s web-based GoToMeeting suite, so you can share screens or use video chat to diagnose and treat the problem. After fixing the issue and making an agreed upon donation to the charity of his/her choosing through JustGiving, the Fixer is reimbursed through Venmo.

FixMyFolks was built with Java backend, JavaScript, MongoDB, OAuth and custom Retrofit REST.

3rd place

Forgone Conclusion

David Green, Ian Cillay, Ian Henshaw, Jamie Dixon

How can we make teenage driving safer? Inspired by a tragic accident last year near Panther Creek High School in Cary, North Carolina, team Forgone Conclusion approached safe driving as a “carrot/stick” issue with kids. The phone app captures the speed at which they are driving. If they stay within a safe range for the week, they receive a cash payment through Braintree’s payment processing system. If they engage in risky behavior (speeding, fast stops, etc..), they receive negative charges to their account.

Forgone Conclusion was built using F#, Google Maps, IBM Watson and SendGrid

+ View the App

Raleigh Judges_

  • Jcleblanc

    Jonathan LeBlanc

    Head of Developer Advocacy Braintree and PayPal


  • Allyson headshot2

    Allyson Sutton


    HQ Raleigh



  • Bt logo
  • Paypallogo
  • Venmo logo blue
  • Logo full color flat
  • Jg
  • Citrix logo black
  • Black outline horizontal
  • Nexus globalnet large transparent logo

Finals lockup glowing

November 14-15

PayPal Town Hall
2161 N. First Street
San Jose, CA 95131

A true global competition where the City Champions face off, compete, conquer and claim $100,000 USD and the title of The Ultimate Hackers For Good.

Can't make it?
Join the livestream!


  • How do I register?

    Select your city of choice from the list. Registration is open 24/7. May the best hack team win!

  • Can I bring a team?

    Yes, you can bring your friends or team up with other hackers on site. You can hack solo, or in a team of a maximum of 4 members. No matter what you choose, be ready to battle!

  • What kind of code can I write?

    All breeds of code welcome.

  • Do I need to integrate PayPal, Braintree or Venmo into my hack?

    Yes, PayPal, Braintree or Venmo must be the sole payment method included in your hack in order to be eligible for the BattleHack competition.

  • How to win $100,000 USD

    Win a City BattleHack. Get flown, fed and cared for at our World Finals. Beat all other City Champions with code that impresses everyone on the planet. Be crowned the Ultimate Hackers For Good.

  • How is the hack structured?

    BattleHacks are full of 24+ hours of awesome stuff. In general, on Day 1 registration opens, you arrive, scope and share skills, create teams, meet judges, and then our gong hits and hacking begins. Add gourmet food, food and more food. Hack through the night, or grab a nap, beer break, and maybe even a massage or two. On Day 2, we have rehearsals, more food, and hack till you hear our gong, signaling the end of hacking! Teams present their apps, judging occurs and prizes are awarded.
    Check your BattleHack City’s registration page for specific timeline details.

  • What can we win?

    Glory! Fame! And oh yeah, you get some other good stuff! First place winners get our epic axe, flight and hotel accommodations to the World Finals in Silicon Valley, and a chance to $100K USD, no strings attached. Fear not, there's a slew of other goodies, and of course local partner prizes, and all our BattleHack swag!

  • Do you own my hack?

    No, this puppy is yours, born and bred from BattleHack love. BattleHack is for you to have some fun, do some good -- and have a chance to win $100K USD.

  • Should I bring my pyjamas?

    Expect to stay overnight, so bring whatever you need to get you through a 24-hour hackfest. We’ll provide some sleep spaces for those who need to crash or when energy drinks start to ebb. Remember you are in a public forum, so do cover up.