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"Hack for Queen and Country!"

April 25-26



Imran Ghory, Pez Cuckow, Sam Machin

We have an ageing population, and more and more people want to stay in their own homes and lead an independent life. There are a number of devices and services on the market to assist with this, however they are often expensive, poorly designed and ‘clinical looking’.

@Risk takes feeds from as many devices as possible around the home, these devices capture an elderly's routine daily activity, for example a home energy monitor that detects when you switch on the kettle, or a spark core that looks for TV remote activity. These events are then fed into an ‘engine’ which learns a pattern of your daily routine.

If the engine detects that something is missing from your routine it then triggers the alert system. The first thing alert response is for it to attempt to contact the elderly person to confirm that they are ok. If they don't respond or fail to confirm they are indeed ok, it then calls their emergency contact numbers to alert them of the situation.

@Risk integrated many APIs and technologies including Braintree, Localz, Pusher, SendGrid, a Spark Core and Twilio.

+ View the App

2nd place


Adam Lavin, Fu Yong Quah, Tanja Muetze, Thomas Hartley

Disasturvey is a small device that enables NGOs and volunteers to cheaply and quickly gather information from the local population to make good decisions and help where help is needed most. Disasturvey solves the problem where internet and mobile connections are disrupted in areas affected by natural disasters.

It comes in three components: the device, a local server and a web site.

The device is an incredibly simple device with three buttons to carry out surveys in regions of natural disaster. Once the device obtains a response, it sends the answers + GPS information to the local server for analysis. The device is based on a battery-powered raspberry pi with loudspeakers and three buttons in a laser-cut box.

The local web server which is a component which works offline. The local server can be hosted on any laptop in the disaster area and communicates with the dispatched devices via peer-to-peer connection. NGOs can add questions of interest that they want to poll, like “How many people are in your household?” and “Is anybody injured?”, and upload a voice recording. This server accumulates the information obtained by the device and provides data analysis via charts and simple heat maps. It was built using Meteor to provide the ability of updating it in realtime whilst being in an offline environment.

The web site is a platform for users to find out information about our device and donate towards a devices, with the ability to get an engraved messages on it, via the Braintree payments API.

+ View the App

3rd place

Grandma's New Groove

Eva Znidarsic, Manoj Nathwani, Siddharth Vadgama, Uroš Zupan

Grandma's New Groove set out to empower pensioners, wanting to allow them to be independent while not scaring them away with technology.

Pensioners can find it difficult to leave the house to travel which often leads to their children and grandchildren driving them around, or doing shopping for them.

Grandma's New Groove is a small device, similar in size to a phone, that has four buttons that can be configured by the carer. In our example the buttons were listed: Home, Supermarket, Social Club, & Grandson's.

Pressing each button will call an Uber to the location of the device, with the destination set depending on which button was pressed. The locations can be configured through an app that the carer manages. A subscription service is paid through Braintree to pay for the Uber rides and the premium features. Grandma's New Groove uses various APIs and technologies including Sendgrid, Twilio, Arduino, Uber and more.

London Judges_

  • Jess williamson pic

    Jess Williamson



  • Phalt

    Paul Hallett

    API Engineer




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Finals lockup glowing

November 14-15

PayPal Town Hall
2161 N. First Street
San Jose, CA 95131

A true global competition where the City Champions face off, compete, conquer and claim $100,000 USD and the title of The Ultimate Hackers For Good.

Can't make it?
Join the livestream!


  • How do I register?

    Select your city of choice from the list. Registration is open 24/7. May the best hack team win!

  • Can I bring a team?

    Yes, you can bring your friends or team up with other hackers on site. You can hack solo, or in a team of a maximum of 4 members. No matter what you choose, be ready to battle!

  • What kind of code can I write?

    All breeds of code welcome.

  • Do I need to integrate PayPal, Braintree or Venmo into my hack?

    Yes, PayPal, Braintree or Venmo must be the sole payment method included in your hack in order to be eligible for the BattleHack competition.

  • How to win $100,000 USD

    Win a City BattleHack. Get flown, fed and cared for at our World Finals. Beat all other City Champions with code that impresses everyone on the planet. Be crowned the Ultimate Hackers For Good.

  • How is the hack structured?

    BattleHacks are full of 24+ hours of awesome stuff. In general, on Day 1 registration opens, you arrive, scope and share skills, create teams, meet judges, and then our gong hits and hacking begins. Add gourmet food, food and more food. Hack through the night, or grab a nap, beer break, and maybe even a massage or two. On Day 2, we have rehearsals, more food, and hack till you hear our gong, signaling the end of hacking! Teams present their apps, judging occurs and prizes are awarded.
    Check your BattleHack City’s registration page for specific timeline details.

  • What can we win?

    Glory! Fame! And oh yeah, you get some other good stuff! First place winners get our epic axe, flight and hotel accommodations to the World Finals in Silicon Valley, and a chance to $100K USD, no strings attached. Fear not, there's a slew of other goodies, and of course local partner prizes, and all our BattleHack swag!

  • Do you own my hack?

    No, this puppy is yours, born and bred from BattleHack love. BattleHack is for you to have some fun, do some good -- and have a chance to win $100K USD.

  • Should I bring my pyjamas?

    Expect to stay overnight, so bring whatever you need to get you through a 24-hour hackfest. We’ll provide some sleep spaces for those who need to crash or when energy drinks start to ebb. Remember you are in a public forum, so do cover up.