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"The Geek Will Inherit the Earth!"

June 20-21



Bartosz Hernas, Krzysztof Kaczor, Malin Sofrone, Michal Hernas

The winning team created a hack using Braintree, Heroku, Pusher, Sendgrid and Twilio to build an iOS and Apple Watch app that connects to their custom build smart bike lock. When activated the lock acts as a security system with all nearby smart-locks to ensure your bike is and remains locked. If the lock is broken it works together with every nearby other smart-lock to engage a security perimeter of alarms in order to warn every nearby person of the breach.

+ View the App
Bh 2015 winners

2nd place


Maxim Krioukov, Nikita Jerschov, Philipp Wenig, Roman Bobin

Quit is a web platform, that helps you and your friends to quit smoking. You tell Quit who your smoking friends are and how much cigarettes you want to smoke each day. If your whole team smokes more than the limit you set, you have to donate an amount of money to lung cancer researches. If at least one of your friends reached his goal, no one has to pay money. To get the platform to know if you are smoking we built a smart cigarette package that calls the server every time you open it.

+ View the App

3rd place

Thank You Dollar

Andreas C. Osowski, Christian Dullweber, Ulysses Hsiúng-Luó

A peer-to-peer ATM app that helps charity. Thank You Dollar lets you take out cash in any currency anywhere in the world from your fellow users, and you pay them back instantly via PayPal/Braintree -- even without an active internet connection. In the process, you also make an automatic donation to a charity, completing the virtuous cycle for the greater Good.

Berlin Judges_

  • Profile

    Tim Messerschmidt

    Head of Developer Advocacy


  • Stefan

    Stefan Hoth

    Android Software Craftsman




  • Bt logo
  • Paypallogo
  • Logo full color flat
  • Blacklogo lrg
  • Logo black %283%29
  • Black outline horizontal
  • Nexus globalnet large transparent logo

Finals lockup glowing

November 14-15

PayPal Town Hall
2161 N. First Street
San Jose, CA 95131

A true global competition where the City Champions face off, compete, conquer and claim $100,000 USD and the title of The Ultimate Hackers For Good.

Can't make it?
Join the livestream!


  • How do I register?

    Select your city of choice from the list. Registration is open 24/7. May the best hack team win!

  • Can I bring a team?

    Yes, you can bring your friends or team up with other hackers on site. You can hack solo, or in a team of a maximum of 4 members. No matter what you choose, be ready to battle!

  • What kind of code can I write?

    All breeds of code welcome.

  • Do I need to integrate PayPal, Braintree or Venmo into my hack?

    Yes, PayPal, Braintree or Venmo must be the sole payment method included in your hack in order to be eligible for the BattleHack competition.

  • How to win $100,000 USD

    Win a City BattleHack. Get flown, fed and cared for at our World Finals. Beat all other City Champions with code that impresses everyone on the planet. Be crowned the Ultimate Hackers For Good.

  • How is the hack structured?

    BattleHacks are full of 24+ hours of awesome stuff. In general, on Day 1 registration opens, you arrive, scope and share skills, create teams, meet judges, and then our gong hits and hacking begins. Add gourmet food, food and more food. Hack through the night, or grab a nap, beer break, and maybe even a massage or two. On Day 2, we have rehearsals, more food, and hack till you hear our gong, signaling the end of hacking! Teams present their apps, judging occurs and prizes are awarded.
    Check your BattleHack City’s registration page for specific timeline details.

  • What can we win?

    Glory! Fame! And oh yeah, you get some other good stuff! First place winners get our epic axe, flight and hotel accommodations to the World Finals in Silicon Valley, and a chance to $100K USD, no strings attached. Fear not, there's a slew of other goodies, and of course local partner prizes, and all our BattleHack swag!

  • Do you own my hack?

    No, this puppy is yours, born and bred from BattleHack love. BattleHack is for you to have some fun, do some good -- and have a chance to win $100K USD.

  • Should I bring my pyjamas?

    Expect to stay overnight, so bring whatever you need to get you through a 24-hour hackfest. We’ll provide some sleep spaces for those who need to crash or when energy drinks start to ebb. Remember you are in a public forum, so do cover up.